A Two Hander and a Side Sword...

Today we have two swords up in our Artisan Section. A massive Two Hander and a16th century side sword. Both pieces ar...

Castlerock Museum armor and weapons in history

In our work at Arms & Armor, and doing research as The Oakeshott Institute, we have been lucky enough to visit ma...

Medieval Weapons, seeing the details

In our last post we talked about some of the pluses and minuses of going to a museum with one of us. It is a great w...

More tests cutting the head off a pike

Last week we did a little experiment trying to cut an ash haft in half with a two handed sword.  You can check out th...

Cutting the head off a pike? Testing a two handed sword.

Today we address the idea that large two handed swords from the early Renaissance were designed to cut the heads from...

Our Claymore is available again!

We are happy to announce that our Highland Claymore is available again to order. The past two years of supply and ser...

Custom swords at the Bristol Renaissance Faire!

Today we preview two custom swords that will be available this weekend on the opening days of the 2022 Bristol Renais...

Pommel Size on Two Handed Swords

People often think about pommels on swords as a counter-weight that balances the blade.  This is part of its functio...

Product Spotlight: The German Bastard Sword

Our German Bastard Sword is a great example of the heavy combat sword of the 16th Century. It is a sword we choose ...

How were Medieval scabbards made? - a new resource

Here at Arms and Armor we are always on the look out for new research and resources on historical weapons. Over the d...

Montante Trainer Spotlight

The montante was a large two handed sword that became popular in 17th century Spain and Portugal. It was related to ...

Choosing a sword for test cutting

With the continuing popularity of test cutting with longswords as a way to improve sword fighting skills, and as a co...
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