"The best replicas I have ever seen"  -  Ewart Oakeshott

Browse by product category below or use the site navigation to filter by historical time period, weapon typology, or products specific for use in HEMA/WMA.

Unparalleled Knowledge and Experience

Arms & Armor is dedicated to quality and authenticity. Our craftspeople create our full range of historically accurate European weapons by hand in our shop. For over four decades we have worked with museums, collectors, and scholars to develop a deep understanding of European weapons; knowledge we use to make products that exemplify the finest qualities of the very best historic pieces. When we select historic items to reproduce, being pretty isn't enough, they have to move with grace and beauty, and beg to be used when in the hand. These are pieces that feel as good as they look, and that work as well as they feel. Our mission is to craft items that recreate the look, feel, and function of the best historic originals. Whether you are a Collector, Curator, Reenactor, or Historical Martial Artist, we will work with you to create the sword or other weapon of your dreams.

The ordering process

At the current time our in-stock items ship as quickly as possible after purchase. Production axes, polearms and impact weapons are on the way usually 4 to 10 weeks. Swords are running about 8 to 12 months. Rapiers are approximately 18 months for finishing. Custom projects vary due to the complexity of the project and time available. We encourage you to call or email us prior to ordering if you have questions.

-  Order Line 800 745 7345  -

About Us

Blog posts

Complex Blade Geometries on Medieval Worlds

Nathan Clough

When people think of medieval and Renaissance swords they typically imagine blades with a simple diamond cross sectio...

How We Construct Pole-hammers

Nathan Clough

Today we take a look at the construction details of Arms and Armor pole-arms, specifically pole-hammers and pole-axes...

Rapier Blade Details

Craig Johnson

The rapier is the most common style of sword in the Renaissance period. There are quite a few styles of hilt and diff...

Gaelic Irish Sword a study in steel

Craig Johnson

Here we have an Irish sword that is based on elements of originals that have survived. We wanted to study some of the...

Fit, Finish and a Ramble

Craig Johnson

Today's post is a look at the fit and finish goals we have for our pieces when we make you a sword. We have always be...

Questions about my Sword Grip

Craig Johnson

 In the past few weeks we have finished up some custom trainers and refurb projects on grips. One area we find a cons...

Custom Order Queries

We recently found out some of our custom queries have not been connecting with our email. We apologize if you have sent one and not heard back from us. If you would like info on getting pieces made or what is possible please send us an email query direct to

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