Virtual presentations for events

One of the most exciting things about working at Arms and Armor is the opportunity to connect with other people who a...

What is a Seax?

The Seax or Sax, and several variations, is an old English or Anglo Saxon word for knife. It has come to define sever...

Historical Swords vs Fantasy Swords

...mythology and symbols was a respected field of learning...

Types of Spears

the spear is purely a weapon

Fighting Axes vs Wood Axes

... used for building your house and for defending it.


The Kriegsmesser (War Knife) or Grosse Messer (Great Knife) of the late medieval period was a weapon of soldiers in t...

What is a Messer?

"Here begins the messer, God, please do not forget us."

15th Century Two Hander

... delivered himselfe so valauntly by his hardy prowes and greate strength, ...

Longswords vs Two Handed Swords

The distinction between two-handed swords and longswords can be confusing, and the deeper you delve into marginal cas...

What is a claymore?

The word "claymore" is derived from the Gaelic "claidheam hmor", meaning "great or broad sword." When exactly this te...

How do you research a sword? Part 1

Our love of these objects is one of our main motivations to produce replica swords.

The Italian Bill or Roncone

Agricultural implements ... transformed into weapons of war.
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