Complex Hilted Longswords- which should we make?
Here at Arms and Armor we have always loved complex hilted longswords. While we've made many as custom pieces over t...
Medieval Utility and By-Knives
One of the characteristics that surprises modern people about medieval knives is how small they can be. The larger k...
Nordland Christmas
It has been a very busy couple of weeks at the Arms & Armor shop. We have been forging and grinding our little el...
Black Friday to Cyber Monday Merry Axemass Extravaganza 2021
Merry Axemass to all! We have some exciting deals and special items to share on this Black Friday thru Cyber Monday S...
St Martin's History of the Sword
In today’s blog we look at one of the key tools in the scholarship of the sword. Studying the form and development of...
Whiskey and Weapons, Axes & Seaxs
Nathan and Craig invite you to join them for a sip and chat about Axes and Seaxs in today's Whiskey and Weapons. If ...
One of a kind Medieval 14th Century Sword
This elegant sword is available at this moment. It has a broad tapering blade with a classic beveled wheel pommel and...
Blacksmith vs. Cutler
Over the last few years there has been a renewed cultural appreciation of the figure of the blacksmith. Television...
Hunting Swords
In the Medieval period the hunt was seen as excellent training for combat and would often involve the use of hand we...
Arms & Armour History Conservation and Analysis
This volume brings together papers written by curators, conservators and scientists who have worked very closely wit...
Gaston Phoebus Hunting Knife
In today's post we take a look at a piece that, although it isn't a standard catalogue item, we have made enough time...
Medieval Knives
One of our favorite things to make are medieval style knives. These blades cover a huge variety in style and size and...