Whiskey and Weapons, Axes & Seaxs

Nathan and Craig invite you to join them for a sip and chat about Axes and Seaxs in today's Whiskey and Weapons. If ...

The Wounds of Summer

This time of year is usually our busiest, and this year is even crazier than ever. What with unprecedented order v...

Viking axe Vs Bronze and Medieval Axes

In today's offering Dr. Nathan Clough describes some changes in European axes between the Bronze Age and Medieval per...

What is a Sparth Axe?

Here at Arms and Armor we are often asked about various weapons that folks have heard of, but want to know more abou...

Irish Axe Spotlight- New Item

...from the axe there is always anxiety. If you think you are free from anxiety, you are not free from an axe.

The Real Axes of Assassin's Creed Valhalla

When fighting a real foe with an axe,

Product Spotlight: The Burgundian Poleaxe

'provide oneself with suitable weapons, like the axe" Le Jeu de la Hache

How did Vikings name their swords?

The Vikings and related people used kennings to poetically name and describe their weapons.

Fighting Axes vs Wood Axes

... used for building your house and for defending it.

Cutting with the Type L Fighting Axe

We've had a bunch of requests to do some cutting videos, so this is attempt number one. Our Type L Fighting Axe seeme...

Knightly Pollaxe

...axe-play is honorable and profitable for the preservation of a body noble or non-noble.

What are langets on a polearm for?

Practical and the myth
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