Custom Landesknecht Two-Hander

Product image 1Custom Landesknecht Two-Hander
Product image 2Custom Landesknecht Two-Hander
Product image 3Custom Landesknecht Two-Hander
Product image 4Custom Landesknecht Two-Hander
Product image 5Custom Landesknecht Two-Hander
Product image 6Custom Landesknecht Two-Hander
Product image 7Custom Landesknecht Two-Hander
Product image 8Custom Landesknecht Two-Hander
Product image 9Custom Landesknecht Two-Hander

Regular price $0.00

Overall Length: 73.25"

Blade Length: 55.7"

Guard Width: 22.12"

Grip Length: 19.75"

Lug Width: 8.4"

Ricasso Length: 13.25"

Balance Point: 3.75"

Weight: 8.75 lbs (3.968 kg)

Our client for this sword wished to create a piece that was a high status example of a Landsknecht two-handed sword; something to really show off some detail and style. The job started with some great sketches from him showing some the elements that he wanted in the project. The fluted ball on the mid-grip, the pommel form, details of the guard and the blade form where all things commissioned. Inspired by historical examples this would be a design created by the client's wishes and an ongoing discussion throughout the process about what we could do to take it over the top for him.

The blade is flammard in style of 6150 steel and is hardened. It has large forward curving lugs at the ricasso and three fullers. The hilt furniture is steel for the pommel and guard. The grip is walnut with bronze and steel twisted wire and discs plated and leafed in gold and silver.

The guard has a real sculptural quality to it with lots of variation in the depth and breath of the components. The unique flourish under the guard coming down the ricasso was an element the client designed in particular and adds some elegance to the design. It has a large 22-inch span.

The lower grip was inspired by the triumphal marches of Landsknechts in art of the period. This was an idea we brought to the project and was met with enthusiasm from the customer. It really took the look of the sword up a level with detail and something striking. The silver and gold leaf on the fluted walnut mid ball was another suggestion from us and it is accented by gold plated metal discs decoratively cusped above and below as well as in the middle.

The sword moves well in the hands but is large enough that one would need to take care in wielding such a piece. You cannot muscle this one. It really does dominate the room when you see it and would certainly make one look twice when you saw it coming down the street over a soldier's shoulder.

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