Complex Blade Geometries on Medieval Worlds

When people think of medieval and Renaissance swords they typically imagine blades with a simple diamond cross sectio...

How We Construct Pole-hammers

Today we take a look at the construction details of Arms and Armor pole-arms, specifically pole-hammers and pole-axes...

Rapier Blade Details

The rapier is the most common style of sword in the Renaissance period. There are quite a few styles of hilt and diff...

Gaelic Irish Sword a study in steel

Here we have an Irish sword that is based on elements of originals that have survived. We wanted to study some of the...

Fit, Finish and a Ramble

Today's post is a look at the fit and finish goals we have for our pieces when we make you a sword. We have always be...

Questions about my Sword Grip

 In the past few weeks we have finished up some custom trainers and refurb projects on grips. One area we find a cons...

Happy President's (sword) Day

President's Day is one of those weird holidays that mostly pertains to school children, government employees, and use...

The real swords of KCD2

It's pretty rare that a video game actually has realistic weapons, so several of us at Arms and Armor were excited fo...

A brief look at Smallsword Blades

The smallsword is an elegant and dangerous sword. It was one of the last styles of blade carried in the west on a dai...

A preview of Oakeshott Institute events at SoCal Swordfight 2025

As we announced last week, Dr. Nathan Clough will be lecturing and leading a handling session of antiquities at SoCal...

Arms and Armor is going to SoCal Swordfight in 2025

We are excited to announce that Arms and Armor will be at SoCal Swordfight this year with a table of swords and other...

Arms & Armor Shop Tips

 The years we have been making swords and weapons have taught us much in how to survive in the shop. This may seem si...
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