A chat with Dr. Guy Windsor pt1

In this episode of Whiskey and Weapons we get to chat with our good friend and excellent swords person Dr. Guy Windso...

Is your sword right or left handed?

Was this sword used right or left handed? A question that many period examples will answer for you, if you look close...

Sword Term Definitions

We thought it would be a good idea to add some definitions to our earlier post about sword terms. Communication and...

Custom Wakefield Sword

Today we are going to look at a commission recently finished for a customer that turned out quite nice. This sword is...

Complex Hilted Longswords- which should we make?

Here at Arms and Armor we have always loved complex hilted longswords. While we've made many as custom pieces over t...

An introduction to complex hilted swords: Part 3

Our look at complex hilted swords continues in part 3 as we check out a replica Italian rapier and a 17th C Haudegen....

An introduction to complex hilted swords: Part 2

For the second installment of our exploration of complex-hilted swords we look at two swords from the late 16th and ...

An introduction to complex hilted swords: part 1

The complex hilted sword is a complex subject :-), so we thought we would do a bit of a primer on these interesting s...
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