Happy St. Patrick's Day

We want to wish you all a Glorious St. Patty's Day where ever you are celebrating today! In the past we have done a c...

Gaelic Irish Sword a study in steel

Here we have an Irish sword that is based on elements of originals that have survived. We wanted to study some of the...

Questions about my Sword Grip

 In the past few weeks we have finished up some custom trainers and refurb projects on grips. One area we find a cons...

Will this sword really fight?

As we have been selling swords at the Ren Fair for several months we have heard questions like this quite a lot. It ...

Whiskey & Weapons with Dr. Guy Windsor part deaux

In this second half of the discussion we dive into some of the aspects of sword use that intrigue us, that we love a...

Arms & Armor hand-crafted in the USA

As we approach this July 4th it seems unreal the journey we have been on over the last 5 years or so. We hope this s...

The Coustel

Over the last couple of decades we have seen several reproductions titled Coustels come on the market and be popular ...

Sword News! and friends in need!

Hello All. Today's post is a bit different as it's about the wider community of sword folks. The sword world seems t...

Experience the Joy of One-Handed Swords!

Today we have a word or two in support of the one handed sword. The most common style of sword throughout the medieva...

Understanding sword edges

I recently had a nice talk with a younger fellow who was discussing his first sword purchase and some of his concerns...

A custom Roman Gladius

Almost certainly the most iconic sword of the ancient world was the Roman Gladius. This sturdy short sword was the ar...

Concealed Weapons, do they work?

In today's post we discuss how weapons that are concealed in another object might actually be useful or not. It may w...
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