A Handy Longsword from A&A our Towton Sword

This lovely sword is a classic medieval longsword. It is not overly long, but solid and carefully crafted to bring...

Gaelic Irish Sword a study in steel

Here we have an Irish sword that is based on elements of originals that have survived. We wanted to study some of the...

Questions about my Sword Grip

 In the past few weeks we have finished up some custom trainers and refurb projects on grips. One area we find a cons...

Arms & Armor Shop Tips

 The years we have been making swords and weapons have taught us much in how to survive in the shop. This may seem si...

What would you have carried at Agincourt?

The Battle of Agincourt was a famous English victory during the Hundred Years' War, fought on this day, October 25, i...

Hungarian Axe, an all around favorite!

A stout two-handed axe is an exceptional weapon wether today or in the medieval period. Our Hungarian Axe is a great...

One of 15th C Style Italian Longsword

Today we are checking out a one of sword we have for sale. It is available on our website here until someone claims i...

Will this sword really fight?

As we have been selling swords at the Ren Fair for several months we have heard questions like this quite a lot. It ...

Type L Danish War Axe

 The Danish warriors of the pre medieval period were feared across Europe. This axe was one of the large two handed ...

Backyard fun with Javelins!

If you are of a certain age you will remember a cool toy called Jarts or Lawn Darts. These were large sharp darts on...

Whiskey & Weapons with Dr. Guy Windsor part deaux

In this second half of the discussion we dive into some of the aspects of sword use that intrigue us, that we love a...

A chat with Dr. Guy Windsor pt1

In this episode of Whiskey and Weapons we get to chat with our good friend and excellent swords person Dr. Guy Windso...
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