Bastard Sword
A Handy Longsword from A&A our Towton Sword
This lovely sword is a classic medieval longsword. It is not overly long, but solid and carefully crafted to bring...
Questions about my Sword Grip
In the past few weeks we have finished up some custom trainers and refurb projects on grips. One area we find a cons...
Will this sword really fight?
As we have been selling swords at the Ren Fair for several months we have heard questions like this quite a lot. It ...
Whiskey & Weapons with Dr. Guy Windsor part deaux
In this second half of the discussion we dive into some of the aspects of sword use that intrigue us, that we love a...
A chat with Dr. Guy Windsor pt1
In this episode of Whiskey and Weapons we get to chat with our good friend and excellent swords person Dr. Guy Windso...
A Sword for Ice Breaker 2024!
This coming weekend is Ice Breaker 2024 the upper midwest's spring HEMA Tournament. We have been supporters and fans...
3 Swords available today!
Hot off the forge to your hands, these three swords are available now, just waiting for a responsible sword parent to...
One Holiday Longsword Left!
We have just one of our holiday special longswords left! So we decided to discount it even more! So whoever has been...
Longsword for Christmas? Discount?
We have three of our special one of longswords left. They have been crafted to be excellent cutters and feel great i...
A&A Black Prince Friday!!
We hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving or at least a nice Thursday off! As a way to bring some of the commer...
Irish Medieval Swords
One of the more unique styles of medieval swords are the examples identified as Irish. These intriguing pieces and ta...
A prototype sword for training armored HEMA
Today we take a look at a prototype training sword for Harnesfechten, or armored combat. The training swords typical...