Happy St. Patrick's Day

We want to wish you all a Glorious St. Patty's Day where ever you are celebrating today! In the past we have done a c...

A chat with Dr. Guy Windsor pt1

In this episode of Whiskey and Weapons we get to chat with our good friend and excellent swords person Dr. Guy Windso...

A Sword for Ice Breaker 2024!

This coming weekend is Ice Breaker 2024 the upper midwest's spring HEMA Tournament. We have been supporters and fans...

Concealed Weapons, do they work?

In today's post we discuss how weapons that are concealed in another object might actually be useful or not. It may w...

Experimenting with the impact of Medieval quenching recipes on steel hardness

On Oct 25th The Oakeshott Institute live cast their latest quarterly lecture on researching involving the Institute, ...

Irish Medieval Swords

One of the more unique styles of medieval swords are the examples identified as Irish. These intriguing pieces and ta...

Comparing Our Celtic Spear, is it the most versatile?

What makes a weapon versatile? I had a couple of conversations with customers this last few weeks about our Celtic Sp...

Swords and Fashion in Medieval and Renaissance Europe

Today we take a look at four period swords from the Oakeshott Institute collection, two from the medieval period and ...

Castlerock Museum armor and weapons in history

In our work at Arms & Armor, and doing research as The Oakeshott Institute, we have been lucky enough to visit ma...

How do cross guards work on swords and daggers?

A query from one of our viewers on a recent video prompted us to answer his questions in this quick video about cros...

Medieval Weapons, seeing the details

In our last post we talked about some of the pluses and minuses of going to a museum with one of us. It is a great w...

What is it like to go to a Museum with a sword maker?

The answer to this question will depend on whether you like swords or not and if you do how much of a sword geek are ...
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