Happy St. Patrick's Day

We want to wish you all a Glorious St. Patty's Day where ever you are celebrating today! In the past we have done a c...

A custom Roman Gladius

Almost certainly the most iconic sword of the ancient world was the Roman Gladius. This sturdy short sword was the ar...

How do cross guards work on swords and daggers?

A query from one of our viewers on a recent video prompted us to answer his questions in this quick video about cros...

What is it like to go to a Museum with a sword maker?

The answer to this question will depend on whether you like swords or not and if you do how much of a sword geek are ...

"upon this charge Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!"

Yesterday, the 23rd of April, was the Feast of St. George. It is the traditional day that St George is said to have ...

Sword Term Definitions

We thought it would be a good idea to add some definitions to our earlier post about sword terms. Communication and...

The story of the medieval sword - Sword in Hand by Ewart Oakeshott

Ewart Oakeshott was a friend, mentor and teacher in our study of the sword and its history. His last book was a loo...

Poetry of the Sword

Swords are cool for many reasons. They are combative tools that require great skill to master as much as they are ...

St Martin's History of the Sword

In today’s blog we look at one of the key tools in the scholarship of the sword. Studying the form and development of...

The First Sword

 We are often asked "What was the first sword?" when we are feeling snarky we will talk about the first sword we pers...

Is Damascus steel better for swords?

The idea that so-called "Damascus" steel produces superior swords is quite common, but is it true?  To be sure, ther...

The Xiphos

Today we look at the Xiphos, the classic double-edged sword of the ancient Greek warrior. It is a weapon that straddl...
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