Presidential Swords

 Presidential Swords are a long tradition from the beginning of our country. George Washington owned several swords ...

Comparing smallswords with historic originals

Today we take a look at two smallswords we've just completed for orders, one blued and one bright, and compare these ...

Is your sword right or left handed?

Was this sword used right or left handed? A question that many period examples will answer for you, if you look close...

What is a Sword Furbisher?

Our post today delves into the finishing of swords and hilts in the 16th century. In our previous posts on historica...

The story of the medieval sword - Sword in Hand by Ewart Oakeshott

Ewart Oakeshott was a friend, mentor and teacher in our study of the sword and its history. His last book was a loo...

Custom Wakefield Sword

Today we are going to look at a commission recently finished for a customer that turned out quite nice. This sword is...

Poetry of the Sword

Swords are cool for many reasons. They are combative tools that require great skill to master as much as they are ...

Some American Swords for Presidents Day

  To celebrate Presidents day here are some awesome pics and links about the sword collection of George Washington.  ...

New Hardened Celtic Spears

When we recreate a weapon from the past there are always decisions and compromises to make regarding which historic e...

Medieval Utility and By-Knives

One of the characteristics that surprises modern people about medieval knives is how small they can be. The larger k...

St Martin's History of the Sword

In today’s blog we look at one of the key tools in the scholarship of the sword. Studying the form and development of...

Whiskey and Weapons, Axes & Seaxs

Nathan and Craig invite you to join them for a sip and chat about Axes and Seaxs in today's Whiskey and Weapons. If ...
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