Training Swords From Different Times

Today we take a look at three different training swords from the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries.  We compare a replic...

Experimenting with the impact of Medieval quenching recipes on steel hardness

On Oct 25th The Oakeshott Institute live cast their latest quarterly lecture on researching involving the Institute, ...

How did you start making swords?

Looking back through the flow of life that led me to being a sword maker for the last four decades, I blame one fello...

Irish Medieval Swords

One of the more unique styles of medieval swords are the examples identified as Irish. These intriguing pieces and ta...

I need a real sword

I had a nice conversation with a new customer last week who was trying to decide what kind of sword to buy. H...

Medieval Weapons, seeing the details

In our last post we talked about some of the pluses and minuses of going to a museum with one of us. It is a great w...

What is it like to go to a Museum with a sword maker?

The answer to this question will depend on whether you like swords or not and if you do how much of a sword geek are ...

"upon this charge Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!"

Yesterday, the 23rd of April, was the Feast of St. George. It is the traditional day that St George is said to have ...

Cutting the head off a pike? Testing a two handed sword.

Today we address the idea that large two handed swords from the early Renaissance were designed to cut the heads from...

Presidential Swords

 Presidential Swords are a long tradition from the beginning of our country. George Washington owned several swords ...

Comparing smallswords with historic originals

Today we take a look at two smallswords we've just completed for orders, one blued and one bright, and compare these ...

What is Bluing?

The sword makers of the past used several decorative techniques to enhance their designs. Today we are going to look ...
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