HIstorical Sword Making
How much did medieval swords cost?
People are often curious about how much swords cost in the past. Just as today, there was significant variation in ...
Grip Size and Gripping the Sword
The sword world is beginning to have events and tournaments again. I have been fielding lots of questions from folks ...
Reproducing the sword of King Henry V
Henry of Monmouth asserted his claim to the throne of England on this day, March 21st, 1413, a day after the death of...
Poetry of the Sword
Swords are cool for many reasons. They are combative tools that require great skill to master as much as they are ...
Some American Swords for Presidents Day
To celebrate Presidents day here are some awesome pics and links about the sword collection of George Washington. ...
Pommel Size on Two Handed Swords
People often think about pommels on swords as a counter-weight that balances the blade. This is part of its functio...
New Hardened Celtic Spears
When we recreate a weapon from the past there are always decisions and compromises to make regarding which historic e...
St. Martin's History of the Sword, 16TH-17TH C
As we continue our tour through the depictions of St. Martin (part 1 and 2) and his swords, the 16th century artists...
How hard should a sword blade be? Sword vs. Machete and Chef Knife
There are a lot of debates on the internet about how hard a sword blade should be. Some folks seem to be of the opin...
What's hot? Sword Buying Trends
One of the interesting things about having been prominent sword makers for over three decades is seeing how the popul...
Complex Hilted Longswords- which should we make?
Here at Arms and Armor we have always loved complex hilted longswords. While we've made many as custom pieces over t...