Custom Loop Hilt Smallsword

Product image 1Custom Loop Hilt Smallsword
Product image 2Custom Loop Hilt Smallsword
Product image 3Custom Loop Hilt Smallsword

Regular price $0.00

Based on Original: Circa 1750-1780

Overall Length: 34.75"

Blade Length: 29.2"

Blade width: 0.8"

Balance Point: 3.5" from guard

Weight: 1 lb

This hilt form, while one of the least complex, could be described as the most elegant of the 18th century. It is composed of the knuckle and fore arm much as any smallsword but has the finger rings and shells left of completely. The remainder of the guard consists of an elegant sweep that loops from the block to form a ring with a bar that rises to the knuckle bow in a graceful curve. This sword is done with a blued hilt and a grip wound with blackened steel wire.

This piece is mounted with a diamond-sectioned blade with a complex distal taper. This style of blade was very common in the period. An original blade from a smallsword was used as a model to achieve the authentic action for this sword. The hilt was based on two or three examples of the style particularly liked by the commissioner of this piece.

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