Köln Messer

Product image 1Köln Messer combat knife #241.
Product image 2Köln Messer 14th century combat knife #241.
Product image 3Köln Messer single edged combat knife #241.
Product image 4Köln Messer wooden grip with steel fittings #241.
Product image 5Köln Messer #241 medieval knightly combat weapon.
Product image 6Köln Messer #241 in hand.

Regular price $390.00

Based on original: 14th C, Kölnisches Stadtmuseum.

Overall length: 17.25"

Blade length: 12.3"

Blade width 1"

Grip length: 3.5"

Guard width: 3"

Weight .9 lbs

A dark hardwood grip accents the deadly steel of this stout knife. A piece that would have been contemporary with rondel daggers, this messer would have been the equal to any in knightly hand to hand combat. Strong enough to use as a lever against an armored opponent it could also slice with deadly intent when meeting a softer target than armor.

A solid steel butt and stout guard offer a feeling of power when held in the hand in either grip. This dagger would work well for such combat systems as Liechtenauer or Fiore.


Shipping Domestic US 32.00 (multiple daggers shipping discounted)

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