Type XVIIIc Longsword

Product image 1LArge Type XVIIIc longsword with broad blade and classic hilt #UI003.
Product image 2Type XVIIIc longsword with red grip and a octagonal pommel of wheel form #UI003.
Product image 3Type XVIIIc longsword side view of red grip and a octagonal pommel of wheel form #UI003.
Product image 4Type XVIIIc Longsword

Regular price $1,100.00

Normally $1300.00 plus shipping.  


A large type XVIIIc of a 14th century style.

Overall Length: 42.75"

Blade Length: 33.5"

Blade Width: 2.3"

Quillon Width: 11.25"

Grip Length: 7"

Balance Point: 4.5"

Weight: 3 lbs 1364 gr

A large sword of war with straight style 1 guard and octagonal wheel pommel of type I1. The grip has a shallow hexagonal cross section set with five risers under a mottled red grip of leather. This style of sword seems to have been popular in the 14th century in the region of Italy and surrounding countries. It's an impressive sword in the hand but at just 3 lbs it moves very well and is an excellent cutter.

 There is one available of this sword.

Shipping Domestic US 61.00 

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