14th C Dagger

Regular price $370.00
Based on Original: Circa 13-14th Century art and examples from the period.
• Overall length: 18.25"
• Blade length: 12.5"
• Blade width 1"
• Grip length: 3.2"
• Guard width: 3.25"
• Weight .9 lbs
Men-at-arms of the 14th century would have carried large daggers for hand-to-hand combat in the list or on the battlefield. This era saw continuous development of weapons and armor but a sidearm like this dagger is depicted throughout the century in armored confrontations.
Martial training in the medieval period used wrestling as its core. Weapons were extensions and enhancements to the principles of these arts. The dagger is often represented as the first weapon to add to one's skillset after wrestling. Fights are often represented with the combatants moving from larger weapons to the dagger and wrestling as they close distance and grapple their opponent. This dagger is a fine example of such a weapon.
The classic wheel pommel and flared guard frame the grip tightly, making the dagger secure in the hand and providing the anchored grip one would need to avoid being disarmed. The steel furniture is mounted on a stiff tapering blade with wooden grip covered in leather.
There are many examples of this style of fighting knives shown in art and surviving examples from this time, such as the Lancelot cycle or BÉpître d'Othéa in the Bodlein Library or a similar dagger in the collection of Skokloster Castle.
Shipping Domestic US 32.00 (multiple daggers shipping discounted)
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