Hungarian Axe

Product image 1Hungarian Axe
Product image 2Hungarian Axe
Product image 3Hungarian Axe
Product image 4Hungarian Axe
Product image 5Hungarian Axe #104 16th century axe used for foot combat with ash haft and steel head.

Regular price $345.00

Based on Original: 16th century, Muzeum Wojska Polskiego

Overall length: 51"

Blade Length: 10"

Blade Width: 6.5"

Carried by the foot soldiers of Eastern Europe, this deadly axe was a very versatile weapon. The long edge and sharp point could be used to cut and thrust. The head is solid steel with a hardened cutting edge.

The handle length allowed for easy carrying and movement, being less cumbersome than a pole weapon, yet it still had the reach to counteract swords and other long-handled weapons.

Our Hungarian Axe comes with a hardened and sharp edge. 


Shipping Domestic US 51.00 (multiple axe shipping discounted)

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