German Bastard Sword - Oakeshott Type XVIIIc

Regular price $1,400.00
Based on Original: Circa 1500 German, provenance unknown, pictured in Arms and Armour, Blackmore, p.32
Overall Length: 47.75"
Blade Length: 37"
Blade Width: 2.12"
Grip Length: 8"
Balance Point: 3"
This 16th century sword is almost large enough to be classified as a two-hander. The beautifully designed pommel and guard balance the long blade very well. The roped guard has a ring on each side for additional hand protection. This was needed as the intricate binding moves of the German school of fence for these types of swords could endanger the hands. The stitched black leather grip is molded to the hardwood base with bees wax and heat as was done in the middle ages.
For further information, please read's Hands-on Reviews:
Review by Patrick Kelly , Review by Bill Grandy
Shipping Domestic US 51.00 (multiple sword shipping discounted)
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