Serenissima Rapier

Product image 1Serenissima Rapier 16th century venetian side sword #212.
Product image 2Serenissima Rapier #212 16th century single handed sword.
Product image 3Serenissima Rapier 16th century venetian side sword #212.
Product image 4Serenissima Rapier #212 Italian sword.
Product image 5Serenissima Rapier #212 Venetian side sword.
Product image 6Serenissima Rapier #212 full length view with steel hilt and leather grip.

Regular price $1,225.00

Our rapier hilts are hand crafted to order. With the demand for our pieces delivery times have been running in the 18 to 24 month range.

Based on Original: Circa 1520-50 Venetian, Private Collection


Overall length: 40.4"

Blade Length: 34.65"

Blade Width: 1.2"

Guard width: 8.85"


Serenissima: The name of the Glorious Venetian Republic that lasted 1070 years! This is the name we have chosen for this replica of a spada de lato, sword to be worn at the side, from the early years of the 16th century. It features the distinct wheel type pommel with a bite out of the upper edge and the recurved arms of the guard seen in many examples of this type.

The seafaring men of Venice who made their city the center of the world used this weapon at home and abroad. The Spanish Conquistadors and the famous sword and buckler men of the Low Country wars carried this style of sword. George Silver, in his Paradoxes of Defense, refers to this type as an excellent option for a stalwart Englishman standing his ground when combined with a dagger.

The hilt is steel with a leather covered grip. The blade has a stout mid-section and fine cutting edge to work well in the thrust and the cut.

Our rapier hilts are hand crafted to order. With the demand for our pieces delivery times have been running in the 18 to 24 month range.

Blade options in more detail.



Shipping Domestic US 44.00 (multiple sword shipping discounted)

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