Two Ring Swepthilt Rapier - deposit

Product image 1Two Ring Swepthilt Rapier #171  German from 1600 shown with blued complex guard.
Product image 2Two Ring Swepthilt Rapier #171 probably German in manufacture on original.
Product image 3Two ring German rapier from 1600 shown with blued guard #171 side view.
Product image 4Two Ring Swepthilt Rapier #171 dated to 1600 two fore rings and a 3 bar back guard. 3/4 view.
Product image 5Two Ring Swepthilt Rapier - deposit
Product image 6Rapiers made for Globe Theatre, London Armoury #171 Two Ring Rapier Blued.

Regular price $150.00

Due to continued supply challenges and the length of our order queue we will be adjusting how our rapiers are available. They are available to order again but you will only be charged a 150.00 deposit. They will be added to the order queue which is currently running 18 to 24 months.

Full Price 1490.00 - if you order deposit is 150.00

• Long Rapier with Straight Guard

Based on Original: Circa 1600 German, Paris, Musee de l'Armee


Overall length: 51"

Blade Length: 42"

Blade Width: 1.09"


An elegant swept hilt rapier in a style that was one of the most popular at the beginning of the seventeenth century. This Norman Type 58 hilt has simple clean lines that appealed to many gentleman of the period. This is clearly illustrated by the many portraits from the first three decades of the 1600's featuring this rapier as a personal sidearm of the rich and well styled.

The inner guard of a single bar originates at a midpoint on the knuckle bow then branching into three bars terminating at the ends of the hilt arms. The pommel has a slightly tapered barrel shape in profile but is keeled in the plane of the blade. The grip is bound in twisted steel wire.

Available in a satin steel finish or an upgrade to a hot blued finish.


Our rapier hilts are hand crafted to order. With the demand for our pieces delivery times usually run in the 8 to 12 month range.

Our rapier hilts are hand crafted to order. With the demand for our pieces delivery times have been running in the 18 to 24 month range.

Blade options in more detail.

Full Price 1490.00 - if you order deposit is 150.00


Shipping Domestic US 54.00 (multiple sword shipping discounted)

International customers please contact us for a shipping quote. We feel your pain with the steep increases in international shipping over the past few years. We strive to find the most economical and reliable sources to ship to you.


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