Fornovo Sword - Oakeshott Type XVIIId

Regular price $975.00
Based on Original: Circa 1450-1500, Italian, private collection.
Overall length: 37.4"
Blade Length: 31.9"
Blade Width: 1.6"
Guard Width: 6.3"
Grip Length: 3.2"
Balance Point: 4.5"
Weight: 2.4 lbs
An elegant and deadly single-handed sword of the 15th Century, replicated from an original most likely made in southern Europe. This sword is capable of solid cuts and accurate thrusts from its Type XVIII blade. Seen in art of the period on the hip of soldiers and lords alike, this form of sword is similar to an example from the famous Dordogne river find of swords.
The stout wheel pommel and short straight guard frame a grip designed to be held so the hand has contact with the furniture. This allows the back of the hand to power movements of the blade, especially when using the back edge attacks. Use of the sword in one hand like this is described in the manuals of the period and excellent examples of how that is done can be found on the excellent blog and site at Dimicator Medieval Swordplay.
We have titled this sword Fornovo after The Battle of Fornovo, in 1495, an engagement that well could have seen this sword in use by the invading French forces or their Venetian opponents and allies.
Shipping Domestic US 44.00 (multiple sword shipping discounted)
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