
Product image 1Smallsword
Product image 2Smallsword
Product image 3Smallsword
Product image 4Smallsword
Product image 5Smallsword
Product image 6Smallsword #069 steel hilted with wire grip.
Product image 7Smallsword #069 rebated blade.
Product image 8Smallsword #069 steel hilted with wire grip full length view.

Regular price $765.00

Based on Original: Circa 1715-1730, Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Overall length: 34.75"

Blade Length: 29" 

The smallsword, a 17th century development in the rapier, first appeared in its common form around 1660. It became very fashionable and spread quickly across Europe. The incredible lightweight and very fast action were an extremely lethal combination and resulted in a minimal style of swordplay. This is typified by reliance on body posture position and line of attack.

This weapon is appropriate for sparing and stage combat with a triangular blade that is unsharpened, what is commonly known as a Musketeer or doublewide Epee blade has been adjusted to create the correct balance and weight of a smallsword from the later half of the 17th century. A sharp point can be ground on this blade upon request.

Here is an excellent primer on the Smallsword by Tom Leoni of the Order of the Seven Hearts.

For further information on our sword, please read customer reviews at's Hands-on Review 


Shipping Domestic US 44.00 (multiple sword shipping discounted)

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