15th Cent. Two Hander

Product image 115th Cent. Two Hander
Product image 215th Cent. Two Hander
Product image 315th Cent. Two Hander
Product image 415th Cent. Two Hander
Product image 515th Cent. Two Hander
Product image 615th Cent. Two Hander
Product image 7Based on original in the Wallace Collection, London.
Product image 815th Cent. Two Hander

Regular price $1,490.00

Based on Original: Circa 1450, German or English, Wallace Collection, London (A474)

• Overall Length: 59.25"

• Blade Length: 46.125"

• Blade Width: 2.37"

• Guard Width: 10.75"

• Grip Length: 8.9"

• Balance Point: 5.3"

• Weight: 6.1 lbs 

The two handed sword was a weapon developed for the use of the foot soldier and had became quite common by the early 1500's. The combat styles developed for the two handed sword were the particular specialty of the Northern European Cultures, with the Germanic nations being quite active in its development and use. The large pommel and long grip add leverage to the short cuts and thrusts delivered in this type of sword combat. The two handed sword was a weapon favored by the elite troops who were assigned to protecting the ensign of their units. Landsknechts were strong advocates for the use of this type of sword, often equipping their shock troops with it.

Our replica of a German or English original is massive in size but not weight. The heaviest sword that were meant for combat probably weighed 7 pounds at most and generally two-handed swords weighed about 5 pounds. This sword is a no frills weapon with elegantly simple lines and a long and deadly reach. The 59.25 inch length will cover a lot of ground. A steel accents the stitched black leather grip.

Check out our blog and video post on this beautiful sword.

Shipping Domestic US 61.00 

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