Talhoffer Messer

Product image 1Talhoffer Messer
Product image 2Talhoffer Messer
Product image 3Talhoffer Messer
Product image 4Talhoffer Messer
Product image 5Talhoffer Messer

Regular price $850.00 USD

Patterned after the messers as depicted in Talhoffer's manual.

Overall length: 33.75"

Blade length: 27.1"

Guard Width: 5.8"

Grip Length: 4.5"

COG: 2.5"

Weight:  2.85 lbs 1295gr


We have a custom messer crafted along the lines of some of the pieces illustrated in Talhoffer's 1459 manual. It is a great example of this style of sword. The blade has a straight back edge and impressive taper along the spine. This gives the blade a very fast action and allows the mass to rest easily in the hand for forceful cuts. As one can see from the illustration below, Talhoffer imagined this weapons as being quite effective. 

Straight backed messers were probably not as common as the clipped point style of blade, but they did appear often enough that we see them in several manuals. The grip is walnut treated with tung oil for a solid grasp and makes this weapon easy to maneuver. The guard, nagel and butt plates are steel and decorated with a deep crease through their center with an organic quality.

The sword feels exceptional in the hand and is a great illustration of a messer from this period.


Talhoffers messer in action
Talhoffer's depiction of similar messer in action. c. 1459

See our blog post about this sword here.

There is one available of this sword.


Shipping Domestic US 40.00 (multiple sword shipping discounted)

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