Viking Training Sword

Product image 1Viking Trainer 9th century sword with black grip and peened construction.
Product image 2Side view of #252 Viking Trainer practice sword with peened pommel and type X blade.
Product image 3Quarter view of #252 Viking Trainer practice sword with peened tea cozy pommel and type X blade.
Product image 4High angled quarter view of #252 Viking Training sword with black grip and peened hilt.
Product image 5Viking trainer overall view with Type X blade.

Regular price $920.00

Based on Originals: Circa 9th Century

Overall length: 33.4"

Blade Length: 28"

Blade Width: 1.75"

Guard Width: 3.75"

Grip Length: 3.5"

Balance Point: ~5"

Weight: 1.96 lbs (891g)


A Viking Training Sword for use in replicating the sword and shield combat of the early medieval period. This piece is crafted along the specifications of several originals with a focus on creating the nuances exhibited by period swords when in the hand. Research in this area has shown the ability to move quickly with light and nimble weapons is crucial to success. The interaction of the weight placement and ability to feel the edge “grab” on the opposing sword and shield are key aspects. The edges are blunt but will still have some of these attributes in play. This of course means using the sword with proper technique and appropriate respect.

These swords are constructed as the original swords. They have a peened construction with applied grips covered in thin leather. Our blades are 6150 steel tempered to a min 50 Rc hardness. The blades are shaped as we would do a sharp with the fuller providing reinforcement for the edges and creating accurate blade dynamics. The edges are finished at about 1.5 mm rounded profile. This allows the weapon to interact in a functional way with the face and edge of your opponent’s shield, and sword. The dynamics this adds to the interaction of a fight are crucial to the effectiveness of techniques we believe they used in the early medieval period.

The hilt fittings are of steel and the grips are black leather. 

Video of Roland Warzecka - Dimicator checking out the Viking Training Sword


Shipping Domestic US 44.00 (multiple sword shipping discounted)

International customers please contact us for a shipping quote. We feel your pain with the steep increases in international shipping over the past few years. We strive to find the most economical and reliable sources to ship to you.


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