Fechtbuch Longsword Trainer

Product image 1Longsword training feder designed from original trainers of the period front view #187.
Product image 2Longsword training feder designed from original trainers of the period three quarter view #187.
Product image 3Longsword training feder designed from original trainers of the period side view #187.
Product image 4Fechtbuch Longsword Trainer

Regular price $555.00

• A great Training Longsword

• Special Tournament Option with Longer Grip

Based on Originals: Dated 1450-1580, Northern Europe, as illustrated by several artists in combat manuals of the period and a few examples that survive today, such as in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

Overall Length: 48.5"  -Tournament option: 50"

Blade Length: 37.75"

Blade Width: 1.187"

Ricasso Width: 1.75"

Guard Width: 8.9"

Grip Length: 8"  -Tournament option: 9.5"

Balance Point: 3"

Weight: 3.6 lbs  -Tournament option: 3.7 lbs

A replica of the practice swords used by schools of combat in the medieval period, such as the German Marxbrüder. The design was used very widely and is often seen in the illustrations depicting fighting techniques in the fechtbuchs (fight manuals) of the period. This sword is based on these illustrations and some of the few surviving examples of this type of sword. The hilt furniture is steel, the grip being hardwood covered in leather. A smooth brushed steel finish is used on this piece to help control the cost and keep it affordable. The blade is made of 6150 steel and has a steady taper from hilt to tip.

Tournament option comes with grip extended to 9.5" and wrapped with string. This enhances use with the oversized modern safety gauntlets. The string wrap helps with durability against the edges of the gauntlets rubbing on the grip.

For further information, please read myArmoury.com's Hands-on Review 


Shipping Domestic US 51.00 (multiple sword shipping discounted)

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