Seventh Son (2014)

Movie poster for the Seventh Son movie.
In 2012 we did several swords and weapons for the Seventh Son a Universal Films picture. It was released in 2014 and 2015 and is an adaptation of the first book in a popular series called The Wardstone Chronicles titled The Spook's ApprenticeWe made some hero weapons and some bills, flails and daggers as well. The two hero swords were the German Bastard Sword and the Schloss Erbach Sword used by Jeff Bridges and Ben Barnes.
German Bastard sword as seen in the Seventh Son movie.
Here is the GBS in action.
Image of German Bastard Sword after prop work for age and color.
The German Bastard Sword after the prop artists had colored and aged piece.
They were great folks to work with.
German Bastard Sword vs staff with Ben BArnes and Jeff Bridges.
Staff vs German Bastard Sword!
Italian Bills used in the Seventh Son Movie from 2015.
Schloss Erbach and English Longsword used in the Seventh Son Movie by Universal Studios.
Daggers used by Jeff Bridges in the Seventh Son movie.
Ben Barnes on the run with the Schloss Erbach Sword.
Sword drawn Ben Barnes image.
Also check out the German Flail making its appearance here and our blog post about the movie here
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