Custom By-knives and Picks
Regular price $0.00
Based on Original: Circa 1200-1700
Overall Length: usually 6"-10"
Blade Length: usually 3"-6"
These knives and tools were seen through out the medieval and renaissance period in Europe. They were the common utensils for everyday work and the table. They could be thought of as today's Swiss army knives of the medieval man of action. These items were part of any soldiers' accoutrements and higher status pieces would have, on occasion, been made to accent the sword or rapier of the owner.
The blades are hand-forged with integral or added bolsters and mounted with a variety of grip materials. The pieces shown here are done in hardwood.
Custom or Modification Request
A&A does a number of custom items each year and we are able to modify some of our stock items as well. Please send us a quick note about what you maybe interested in and we can discuss possibilities and get the process started.