Custom Tannenburg and German Tucks

Product image 1Custom Tannenburg and German Tucks
Product image 2Custom Tannenburg and German Tucks

Regular price $0.00

Tannenburg Tuck:

Overall length: 62.5"

Blade: 52" x .875"

Guard Width: 9.25"

Hilt Length: 10.5"


German Tuck:

Overall length: 46.5"

Blade: 36" x .625"

Two custom tucks commissioned by the same gentleman. These two pieces demonstrate the range these types of weapons achieved as the demands of knightly combat were perceived by its practitioners. The larger of the two is in the Royal Armoury of Poland at Wawel Castle. This piece is very close to the original sword even though we had but on hilt image to work from and a anecdotal description. We recently found an article detailing the original and we got quite close relaying on our understanding of medieval swords and some good luck.

The second tuck is a replica of a very well preserved piece that was recently sold on the open market. It is attributed as German piece from 1540 and has a blade a little over 5/8 of an inch square at the hilt.

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