Custom Type XI Sword
Regular price $0.00
Based on Original: late 8th C. to 10th C.Based on examples in art and artifact.
Overall Length: ~43.5"
Blade length: 37.5"
Grip Length: ~4"
This elegant sword is inspired by examples and art of the late 8th through 10th Century. The Brazil nut style pommel is the most common of this period, but it is rare to see it matched with the down turned cross guard.
The patron for this order discusses his objectives and inspiration for the sword in this Discussion Thread: Type XI custom sword.
The early use of the down turned guard in late Anglo-Saxon swords is an interesting aspect to the development of the sword in Europe. The evolution of sword design in this period is a unique area of study and one should read the important book "The Sword in Anglo-Saxon England: Its Archaeology and Literature" by Hilda Ellis Davidson. It is one of the foundational books written on the early development of the sword.