English Longsword - Oakeshott Type XVIII

Product image 1English longsword #194 with shallow down turned guard, black leather grip, type U pommel, grip with crossed risers.
Product image 2English longsword #194 with shallow down turned guard, black leather grip, type U pommel, black leather grip.
Product image 3English Longsword - Oakeshott Type XVIII
Product image 4English Longsword #194 overall view with black grip of pig skin and steel fittings.
Product image 5English Longsword - Oakeshott Type XVIII
Product image 6English Longsword - Oakeshott Type XVIII
Product image 7English Longsword - Oakeshott Type XVIII

Regular price $1,260.00


Based on original: Circa 1450, Zürich Landesmus, Details the "Trinity" altarpiece, Flemish, c. 1475, by Hugo van der Goes, now in the Royal Collection, on loan to the National Gallery of Scotland. The sword is carried by an armoured saint, possible St. George, depicted in Italo-German (possibly Innsbruck)


Overall Length: 43.5"

Blade Length: 33.6"

Blade Width: 1.7"

Guard Width: 7.5"

Grip Length: 5.37"

Balance Point: 5.25"

Weight: ~ 2.6 lbs 

The distinctive hilt of this sword consists of a flattened pear shaped pommel and gently arched guard all in steel. The grip is of a hock bottle shape. The grip core is wood, bound with cord to create the pattern and covered in leather.

These unique swords of the late 15th century can be seen sculpted on many German effigies. This particular sword is based on an example in the Zürich Landesmuseum. As the original is severely corroded we have chosen the hilt detail inspired by a Flemish painting that is on loan to National Gallery of Scotland from Her Majesty the Queen, to complete the piece.



Shipping Domestic US 51.00 (multiple sword shipping discounted)

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