Smallsword with Flammard

Product image 1Smallsword with Flammard
Product image 2Smallsword with Flammard
Product image 3Smallsword with Flammard
Product image 4Smallsword with Flammard
Product image 5Smallsword with Flammard
Product image 6Smallsword with Flammard
Product image 7Smallsword with Flammard

Regular price $0.00

Based on Original: mid 18th C., Italian 

Overall length: 36.25"

Blade: 30.25"

Balance Point: 4"

Weight: 1.1 lbs

This smallsword was commissioned combining the patron's favorite elements from several historical examples. The blade is a Flammard or flame shaped (sometimes called a wavy blade). It undulates through its entire length and can be done in a couple of varieties. This particular piece has sharp edges along the length and the mid ridge undulates with the edges.

The hilt is pierced and worked in foliage forms. The grip is wound in twisted wire and copper bands. The whole is an elegant sword that is light and fast with an eye catching look.

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