Training Rapier

Product image 1Training Rapier #219 with narrow nail blade, steel complex hilt and oval cross sectioned pommel.
Product image 2Training Rapier with narrow nail blade #219 side view
Product image 3Training Rapier #219 with narrow nail blade, wire grip and steel hilt.
Product image 4Training Rapier with narrow nail blade #219 hand built steel hilt

Regular price $850.00

We have developed this rapier for our western martial arts customers who wanted Arms & Armor durability and quality in a weapon for practice and sparring. The use of a single hilt form with a variety of blade options allows for the practitioner to get the right tool their needs. 

The steel hilt has a smooth matte finish. The blades come in several varieties (detailed below) and are finished with rounded edges and corners. The blades are designed to reproduce the handling characteristics of sharp historical weapons, but with vastly increased safety and durability and longevity for training and sparring. 

Hilt, as pictured on the right, with any blade 42" and under


Development of A&A Training Rapiers
We have been doing custom training pieces like these for many years. They have been tested in many different styles for combat, training and sparring. This long development process allowed us to create a versatile weapon that meets as many needs in the martial arts community as possible.

These blades have developed from two main sources. The first was a very close look at many of the surviving original training blades. Many thanks to our many friends and colleagues that have given us access to these items, their data and experiences. The second was an extensive period of testing and use by many leading WMA practitioners. The development of several swords to their specific needs and specifications has been most illuminating, giving us insight into the various needs of the community. Our goal is to produce swords that work well, stand up to extensive use, and provide the feel and play of the originals. We are proud to have helped them make these historic styles live again. 

Our rapier hilts are hand crafted to order. With the demand for our pieces delivery times usually run in the 8 to 12 month range.


Shipping Domestic US 54.00 (multiple sword shipping discounted)

International customers please contact us for a shipping quote. We feel your pain with the steep increases in international shipping over the past few years. We strive to find the most economical and reliable sources to ship to you.


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