Custom training rapiers compared to originals

Today we take a look at two high-end custom training rapiers that we've just completed and compare them to three original rapiers in the collection of The Oakeshott Institute.  These are not your common bargain basement trainer.   Rather, we make them as true to original rapiers as we can, but with a flexible blade that we hand grind to have handling properties as close as possible to a sharp blade while still preserving the life of your training partners ;-). 

custom training rapiers

Custom training rapiers, showing inner guards

outer guards

Custom training rapiers, showing outer guards

In the above photos, the top rapier features the hilt from our Italian Three Ring Rapier with a training blade.  The other is a custom hilt featuring a pierced plate similar to that on our Musketeer Rapier.  Any of our rapiers can be made with a training blade.  Check out the full selection here.  We also do fully custom work, enquire here.



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