The Arms & Armor Horseman’s Axe

Today we have a video review of one of our favorite impact weapons the Arms and Armor Horseman’s Axe. This elegant weapon is based on an original from the Real Armeria, Madrid dated to 1540 Spain. This 16th century side arm would be used in war as well as duels. Similar to our High Gothic Mace and Flails, this weapon is optimized for armoured combat. Whether fully armoured Knights, or infantry in light armor or even just a kettle helm, these axes were designed to concentrate force and penetrate the common defenses of the 16th century.


The curved axe blade focuses the force of the blow on the point of impact. It would deliver similar damage to a mace with a sharpened edge. The spike is a stout square sectioned taper that would be able to penetrate some of the armor of the day and devastate anything less than hardened plate. The haft of this reproduction axe is a solid steel hexagonal bar, fitted through the axe body and spiked at the top, it is gripped with leather protected by rondels at the other end. 

Horseman's axe head from Arms and Armor replica of Spanish original.

The black leather handle has a hemp cord underlayment which allows solid purchase for your grip. The length of grip between the rondels provides the largest gauntleted hand all the room it needs to wield this axe.

Arms & Armor Horseman's Axe grip with black leather

Though it ought to go without saying, if you are into armored combat you should not use this to hit your compatriots. This is a real weapon that is designed to harm people in armor.

Check out this review of the piece from


 Horseman's Axe from arms and armor, steel with black leather.



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