Top 10 Gift Guide for Sword Lovers

A&A Santa sack spilling swords.

Top 10 Gift Guide

With Christmas fast approaching you have the chance to be the best Santa ever.   Watch the eyes of your loved ones light up with glee when they open a box from Arms and Armor.  Will it be a sword? An axe?  How about a halberd!   Here are our top suggestions to gift someone special what they really, really want.

best christmas ever

1. Be the Best Santa Ever 

'I got my boyfriend a sword' - yep you just jumped to spot #1 on the best girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife, crazy uncle, or whatever list.  We have a bunch of sharp and training swords in stock.  Order early to guarantee delivery by Christmas/Hanukkah/Festivus or your holiday of choice.  If you order a custom sword or one not in stock we will send you a lovely little gift box containing a tiny little sword and a description of the custom item as a placeholder that you can present in style.  

Example of an A&A Gift Certificate



 2. A Dane Axe for a very Viking Christmas

 December can be a difficult time for Minnesota Vikings fans, so give yours a good luck talisman to help out the team.   In fact, we have a whole list of Viking-era weapons for the super-fan on your gift list.  

yule feast      dane axe

 Dane Axe and a Yule feast.


3.  A Gift Fit for a Prince (whichever one)

When Edward the Black Prince celebrated the holidays, he did it 14th century style with wassails and a traditional afternoon invasion of France.  But he wasn't the only Prince who would appreciate this sword.  

Prince Edward of EngalndPrince of MN

While everyone knows that Prince played a mean axe, he (probably) also loved swords. We have even made a special edition in the past called "The Sword Formerly Known as the Black Prince" it had a fancy purple leather grip - cuz, you know, some people are really into Prince and swords.  

Black Prince

Black Prince Sword


4. Nordland Axe-mas Surprise!

Handy around the hearth or trekking to the pole this lovely belt axe will make eyes open wide when the wrapping comes off. Just imagine the surprise and delight when your little (or not so little) warrior opens this gift!  You can even kind of jam it into a stocking as long as you're very, very careful!


Nordland Axe


5. Javelins, Javelins, Javelins all the way!

Put a bow around a few of these and you will have some seriously happy campers.  Throwing these petite spears is super fun, great for hand eye coordination, and an excellent outdoor activity that will leave it peaceful and quiet inside the house for hours at a time...


Javelin and Greek Javelin


6. German Flail 

This knight-crushing weapon sometimes mistakenly called a "morning star" does in fact closely resemble that big old star on top of your Christmas tree, especially if you squint a little... Sing "O Tannenbaum" and celebrate your holidays in the Medieval German style.  See below for a scientific and completely conclusive comparison between the stars.

christmas star flail

German Flail  

 7. Hungarian Axe

You know where they really love Christmas? Hungary. That's why this awesome axe is such a great gift. I mean, take a look at these awesome decorations in Budapest! They are clearly in the holiday spirit and we promise that if you buy this and give it to someone as a present your heart will grow two sizes.

Budapest christmas Hungarian axe

Hungarian Axe    


8. The Medici Dagger

This dagger is modeled on those popular in Italy during the 16th century, which is precisely the time of the greatest power of the Medici family.  In fact, Pope Leo X, the son of Lorenzo de Medici, would totally give you a plenary indulgence for buying this.  

Pope Leo x medici dagger

Pope Leo X says "The Medici Dagger is the perfect Christmas gift"


9. Cavalier Rapier

Though the original Cavaliers were neither here nor there when it comes to the holiday spirit, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels totally love wearing merry hats.  This alone makes the Cavalier Rapier a wonderful gift for sword or dog lovers on your list.


christmas dogs        cavalier dog

cavalier rapier

Cavalier Rapier

10. A&A Gift Certificate

One of our most popular options for a gift is the A&A Gift Certificate. Its an excellent way to give a variety of amounts or a specific piece for someones collection even if it is not in stock. We will work with you to get a customized certificate to present and a small gift for under the tree. There are some preset amounts on our webpage to purchase certificates and we are happy to do ones to your specific needs. Just drop us a note here

So if you just can't decide or you want to surprise but have no idea what to get them? Here is the answer! Get a gift certificate and if you order one prior to Dec 15th we will send you a minature sword for them to open!    

Christmas swords from A&A

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