Bohemian Broadsword - Oakeshott Type XIIa

Regular price $1,200.00
Based on Original: Circa 1480-1510, Private Collection
• Overall Length: 44"
• Blade Length: 36.5"
• Blade Width: 1.75"
• Grip Length: 5"
• Balance Point: 6.38"
This broadsword exhibits a hexagonal cross-sectioned blade with a narrow fuller down the forte. The thickness of the blade dramatically tapers to the point to give an excellent balance for the cut; a detail often missed by many modern manufacturers. This style of sword was popular in the late 12th and early 13th centuries and again in the later part of the 15th century, when this sword was made. The furniture on this sword illustrates the writhen or twisted branch like forms favored by the craftsmen of central Europe. The grip is hardwood covered in leather with a stitched seam and shrunk to fit the elegantly shaped handle.
Shipping Domestic US 51.00 (multiple swords shipping discounted)
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