Type XVII Lost Sword

Product image 1Type XVII Lost Sword
Product image 2Type XVII Lost Sword
Product image 3Type XVII Lost Sword
Product image 4Type XVII Lost Sword
Product image 5Type XVII Lost Sword

Regular price $950.00 Sale price $1,050.00

Normally $1050.00 plus shipping.  Special Price for Saturday only 950.00 

Based on Sword damaged in the Blitz 

Original: late 14th C

Overall length: 40.75"

Blade length: 31.3"

Blade Width: 1.75"

Guard Width: 8"

Grip Length: 6.3"

Balance Point: 3.2"

Weight: 2.9 lbs (1328g) 

Inspired by the sword on page 166 of Oakeshott's "Records of the Medieval Sword". The original sword, which was housed in the British Museum, was damaged beyond repair in a fire when the museum was hit by a German bomb in 1942.

A classic Type XVII blade with a hexagonal cross section in the forte that transitions into a diamond section about half way down the blade. Since the original was lost, the re-imagined grip on this replica is leather below and birds eye maple above a blued steel riser in its center. The hexagonal scent stopper pommel and straight guard are blued as well. This form of blade evolved as the need for thrusting increased with more armor use by soldiers of the day. 

Shipping Domestic US 61.00 

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