The Sword
The Black Prince Sword holds a special spot in our hearts. In fact, we love it so much that we've adopted its pommel design for the new Arms and Armor logo.
Back in the late 1980's when we, Chris Poor and Craig Johnson, first met Ewart and Sybil Oakeshott, this sword is one of the first pieces that they showed us. We thought as much of the Black Prince Sword as they did, and with Ewart's encouragement we were able to make a great replica of this exquisite sword.
Over the years we have revised our replica a couple of times to better approximate the original. We have refined the blade geometry and adjusted the grip to better match the original grip on the sword. At this point we think that we've really nailed it. If you've ever handled this sword then you understand that it is truly something special. When people pick it up for the first time they tend to get a big smile on their face, just like we did when first picking up the original.