Sword Terms or What are these guys talking about?

Does that word mean what he thinks it means?

Ballock Daggers: Sexy and Iconic

We love ballock daggers!  Despite being one of the most common and iconic weapons of the medieval period, they are al...

Milanese Rapier Spotlight

Our Milanese Rapier is the focus of today's post. This dramatic piece is a great example of the mid 16th Century arms...

The Calliano Sword - Oakeshott Type XIX Spotlight

Sometimes overlooked by contemporary sword lovers, the type XIX blade was popular in the south eastern region of Euro...

Is my kid old enough for a sword?

While today we are craftspeople creating replicas of weapons and armor from the past, this was not always the case. A...

Choosing a sword for test cutting

With the continuing popularity of test cutting with longswords as a way to improve sword fighting skills, and as a co...

The Real Axes of Assassin's Creed Valhalla

When fighting a real foe with an axe,

The Durer Bastard Sword Spotlight

an iconic sword of the late 15th Century

Matching your feder to your sharp longsword

  A big hurdle for folks starting out in HEMA is that their first real exposure to how a sword ought to feel is throu...

Product Spotlight: The Burgundian Poleaxe

'provide oneself with suitable weapons, like the axe" Le Jeu de la Hache

Maces and Flails, and smashing ice!

Maces and flails are among the most iconic of medieval weapons, in part due to their prevalence in popular culture.
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