How to stab through an armor visor

When fighting in plate armor the historical sources tell us to attack the weak points of your opponents harness.  The...

Hardened Nordland Axe

One of our most popular items has an upgrade for 2022. It still has the classic lines of the original axe excavated i...

Fun experimental history project featuring Arms and Armor weapons

Experimental archaeology can be an essential contributor to our understanding of historical events.  In many cases re...

New Reinforced Edge Type L Danish War Axe

In today's video Nathan introduces our new product, a Type L Danish War Axe with a reinforced, differentially hardene...

Heavy vs Light Axe, which to choose?

Medieval axes existed in a large diversity of types and styles. Here we have three versions of large war axe in varyi...

New! Dane Axe with Reinforced Edge

Our newest item is a Dane War Axe with a reinforced bit or cutting edge. This feature is seen on many war axes of the...

Valentines - Nothing says I love you like an axe!

Happy Valentines Day! Here at Arms & Armor we have long held the belief that nothing says I love you like an axe...

Hardened Hungarian Axe

Today we look at an update to one of our most popular items, the Hungarian Axe. This handy and deadly axe has been a ...

What's hot? Sword Buying Trends

One of the interesting things about having been prominent sword makers for over three decades is seeing how the popul...

Nordland Christmas

It has been a very busy couple of weeks at the Arms & Armor shop. We have been forging and grinding our little el...

Dane Battle Axe vs. Historical Armor

Today we take a look at how Dane axes interact with cloth and maille armors.  These axes were a popular weapon during...

Black Friday to Cyber Monday Merry Axemass Extravaganza 2021

Merry Axemass to all! We have some exciting deals and special items to share on this Black Friday thru Cyber Monday S...
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