Arms & Armour History Conservation and Analysis

 This volume brings together papers written by curators, conservators and scientists who have worked very closely wit...

Gaston Phoebus Hunting Knife

In today's post we take a look at a piece that, although it isn't a standard catalogue item, we have made enough time...

Medieval Knives

One of our favorite things to make are medieval style knives. These blades cover a huge variety in style and size and...

Medieval Eating Sets

The dinner fork is among the most common pieces of cutlery throughout much of the world.  But this wasn't always the ...

Sword of St Martin 15th C

This sword is based on a depiction in a Book of Hours from France dated about 1440. It is one of the earliest example...

The Xiphos

Today we look at the Xiphos, the classic double-edged sword of the ancient Greek warrior. It is a weapon that straddl...

What is a short sword?

Sword terminology is a complex mix of ancient terms, often misleading Victorian description, and modern pop-cultural ...

Keep Your Sword Pristine, Or Let It Age?

Although most sword collectors like their pieces to be pristine, there are many others who prefer swords that appear ...

Viking axe Vs Bronze and Medieval Axes

In today's offering Dr. Nathan Clough describes some changes in European axes between the Bronze Age and Medieval per...

Distal and Profile Taper of European Swords

Alright, this post comes with a long video, so settle in and grab some popcorn or a beer.  Among historical sword afi...

Custom I.33 Trainer

One of the most interesting aspects of our work is designing training swords that really feel and move like historica...

Product Spotlight: The German Bastard Sword

Our German Bastard Sword is a great example of the heavy combat sword of the 16th Century. It is a sword we choose ...
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