One Holiday Longsword Left!

We have just one of our holiday special longswords left! So we decided to discount it even more! So whoever has been...

Training Swords From Different Times

Today we take a look at three different training swords from the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries.  We compare a replic...

Longsword for Christmas? Discount?

We have three of our special one of longswords left. They have been crafted to be excellent cutters and feel great i...

Gothic Hunting Sword

One of the medieval practices we use in our shop is trying to let little go to waste. That is how we will use certai...

Irish Medieval Swords

One of the more unique styles of medieval swords are the examples identified as Irish. These intriguing pieces and ta...

A dagger acquired, lost and reborn, a shop story from A&A.

Today we check out a story from the shop. One of our crew, the talented Thomas, has always had an interest in the typ...

I need a real sword

I had a nice conversation with a new customer last week who was trying to decide what kind of sword to buy. H...

What Weapons did Irish Warriors Use?

Happy St Patrick's Day to all. We thought it would be the perfect day to talk about the types of arms a Medieval Iris...

A prototype sword for training armored HEMA

Today we take a look at a prototype training sword for Harnesfechten, or armored combat.  The training swords typical...

What is Bluing?

The sword makers of the past used several decorative techniques to enhance their designs. Today we are going to look ...

Crooked Pommels, Why?

Sometimes our modern eyes will deceive us about medieval swords. We see something we attribute to age or damage and ...

Whats new with the Burgundian Pole Axe?

We wanted to look at some of the new details on our Burgundian Pole Axe and talk a bit about the recent upgrade. This...
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