Edge Geometry on Medieval Swords.

A swords edge is the whole point of its being. Sorry, we couldn't resist the pun, and it's the truth. The entire desi...

Cutting with the Type L Fighting Axe

We've had a bunch of requests to do some cutting videos, so this is attempt number one. Our Type L Fighting Axe seeme...

15th Century Two Hander

... delivered himselfe so valauntly by his hardy prowes and greate strength, ...

Longswords vs Two Handed Swords

The distinction between two-handed swords and longswords can be confusing, and the deeper you delve into marginal cas...

Sword wounds: ancient and otherwise

This post contains humorous but graphic descriptions of wounds we get while making swords.

Flame-bladed swords, why?

What are Flamberge, Flammard, Flambard, and Serpentine blades for?

Prototype Type XVIIIc

New sword on the way!

Medieval Sword Grip Size

How big should my grip be?

Swords with a hexagonal blade section.

Swords with a hexagonal blade section seem to get little attention these days.  Maybe it's because so many cheap "Tol...

Researching Combat- Viking

Viking Combat practice and research!

Pumpkin Destruction Contest

Squash the Squash!

How to maintain your sword

   THE CARE AND FEEDING OF YOUR WEAPON     The weapons crafted for you by Arms & Armor have all the characteristi...
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