Early Medieval
How do cross guards work on swords and daggers?
A query from one of our viewers on a recent video prompted us to answer his questions in this quick video about cros...
Throwing Nordland Axes, Summer Fun
Spring is in full swing here and we all know young warriors can think of only one thing in spring. That's right, axe ...
Medieval Weapons, seeing the details
In our last post we talked about some of the pluses and minuses of going to a museum with one of us. It is a great w...
What is it like to go to a Museum with a sword maker?
The answer to this question will depend on whether you like swords or not and if you do how much of a sword geek are ...
"upon this charge Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!"
Yesterday, the 23rd of April, was the Feast of St. George. It is the traditional day that St George is said to have ...
Easter Bunnies, A&A Style
We've taken the holiday weekend off, so we haven't written any super-illuminating blog posts that will blow your min...
What Weapons did Irish Warriors Use?
Happy St Patrick's Day to all. We thought it would be the perfect day to talk about the types of arms a Medieval Iris...
What is Bluing?
The sword makers of the past used several decorative techniques to enhance their designs. Today we are going to look ...
Crooked Pommels, Why?
Sometimes our modern eyes will deceive us about medieval swords. We see something we attribute to age or damage and ...
How to tighten your Nordland Axe head.
Today we are going to take a quick look at how to tighten your Nordland Axe head if it should ever work loose. This a...
Is your sword right or left handed?
Was this sword used right or left handed? A question that many period examples will answer for you, if you look close...
Merry Axemass and Happy New Spear
We have got a quick addition for your sack full of gifts today. So if you have any room left amongst all the axes you...