German Flail Video Spotlight

one handed weapon for combat on foot or horse

What are langets on a polearm for?

Practical and the myth

Javelins historical and fun

Great for Battle and the backyard

Pierced blades on rapiers, why?

Fashion and Myth

History of the Knuckle Bow

The early years.

Sword wounds: ancient and otherwise

This post contains humorous but graphic descriptions of wounds we get while making swords.

Early Medieval Daggers

Cross hilted daggers, how early?

Flame-bladed swords, why?

What are Flamberge, Flammard, Flambard, and Serpentine blades for?

Prototype Type XVIIIc

New sword on the way!

Top ten weapons to buy with your stimulus check

plus extended discounted shipping!

The Arms & Armor Horseman’s Axe

A single axe can cut down a great tree
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